Wed. May 15th, 2024

Baths and Showers

Apr11,2024 #hospital #showers

Before surgery, while still in San Antonio at Stone Oak Methodist and the Methodist Transplant Hospital, I was able to shower a few times in my hospital room—not daily, but at least once every couple of days. Of course, this had to be a well-thought-out plan, and it was an exhausting process. Primarily to ensure that the right people brought the right things and “water-proofed” IVs!

After being transported to Houston, showers became daily “wipe downs.” They were head to toe, front and back, and usually in the wee hours of the morning. These were no fun; the first of these wipe-downs was at the hands of four female nurses, all younger than me (totally embarrassing!). The next one was by a dude who looked like a tight end for <insert NFL team here> when he was younger.

Post-surgery, these wipe-downs happened twice a day and were quite painful due to the incision area and my body being in shock from the trauma it had just endured and generally not able to move very well. I finally got smart and would take a painkiller and muscle relaxer prior, and that helped tremendously!

I was released from the hospital the Friday before Christmas 2023, and I think it was maybe two weeks before that I was able to take an actual shower; despite the soreness and the bandages and waterproofing, it felt glorious! I’m using the word glorious here because I felt like a new human afterward; I was able to cut three months of nail growth, shave the funky facial hair off, and look somewhat “normal.”

After release from the hospital, there were showers in the travel trailer. These were nice, but it is a cramped space, and it still hurt pretty bad to move or stand, so these were maybe once a week. I also had staples in my gut along with a “cath” for dialysis that had to be covered, so what is normally a 15-minute process was an hour or so and exhausting!

I think it was the first week of February I was able to come home permanently. I was still taking showers once a week but was taking “spit baths” in between to keep me from stinking too bad. The first shower I took at home was so amazing I think I stood under the hot water until the hot water heater was depleted!

On Monday, April 1st, 2024, I had the “cath” removed for dialysis. I had to refrain from bathing until Tuesday. Tuesday came, and I took my first shower without having to “waterproof” incisions/IVs/caths and tubing!!

That shower was the best I’ve ever had in my 45 years. Amazing!

Onward and Upward!

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