Wed. May 15th, 2024

Saturday of Holy Week

Mar30,2024 #HolyWeek


Thanks to my friend and Pastor, Pastor Ken Hicks of Heights Community Church for writing this!

Today is traditionally called Holy Saturday, Joyous Saturday, Great Saturday, or Black Saturday.

All of us can agree, though, that today is silent. Despite what Jesus told us repeatedly along the way, this is not how any of us expected our road trip would end.

Jesus has been killed and buried in a donated tomb. Roman soldiers guard the entrance. God is on mute, as author Pete Greig puts it. There is silence. Confusion. Fear.

A strange sense permeates those who have put their hope in Jesus. There are whispered conversations and tears. Some are in hiding. All of us are mourning. Celebration is the farthest thing from our hearts.

For the last three years, the disciples have pestered Jesus with their questions. Now there is no one to ask. Instead, images of Jesus on the cross haunt them. The stories about the trial befuddle them. The power of Rome to crush their dreams angers them.

And self-doubt plagues them. What could they have done differently—and what in God’s name should they do next?

There are simply no answers.

Those of us who have been following Jesus have become used to constant activity. Travel, conversations, miracles, teachings, and laughter at mealtimes. We’ve been on the move, heading to Jerusalem in the company of the Messiah.

Today, there is no activity in the temple, in the courts, or on Golgotha. Our road trip has come to a crashing halt.

It is Silent Saturday.


All is pretty quiet today, as the Disciples are probably in hiding trying to process what they’ve experienced and figure out what in the world to do next. Guards are standing at the entrance to the Tomb, and Jesus’ body lies lifeless, where He had willingly surrendered Himself as an Atonement for the sins of the world.

Imagine the questions going through the minds of the Disciples: How could He have been the long-awaited King if they just killed Him? Were we supposed to do something to stop it, and we missed it? And for sure, if they did that to Jesus, can you imagine what they will do to us?

This week has allowed for some time of reflection for us for sure, but I think my mind continually races to the CELEBRATION we will gather and share tomorrow as a result of the Empty Tomb. [and I think that’s natural and ok too].

We’re experiencing a time of remembrance and thanksgiving that had to have been so troubling for the 1st Followers of Jesus who didn’t know about tomorrow at this point.


God, may we experience some silence and rest today, to remember Your Body what was broken and Your Blood that was shed for us. Allow that powerful experience in our lives to move us to a place of invitation. Not all have experienced You, but many would accept our invitation if we were willing.

God, Easter week has changed my life forever, and I am so, so thankful! My prayer today is one of Thanksgiving! Thank you for making a way for me to be forgiven and restored into a Righteous standing w/ You! Thank You for loving me that much! Thank You for sharing w/ me Your Church, people who have been transformed by the Life, Death and Resurrection of Your Son. Your Church [the people of God] is the primary vehicle thru which You are at work today sharing the message of Easter. The Good News of Jesus.

And so God, I pray for myself and others today that we will pray fervently and invite boldly for others to come and see what You have done in our lives. God I pray for Your Church around the globe that will gather tomorrow and celebrate in so many incredible ways, just a small glimpse of gratitude for Your Son Jesus. Hold Pastor’s and Staff’s up thru this weekend as many have put in long hours and incredible efforts to make the Celebration of the Resurrection of Your Son the best it can be.

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