Wed. May 15th, 2024

Ford Mustang GT350

Apr3,2024 #modelBuilding

My daughter and I started this model years ago and never got past getting the body painted. After my surgery and while recovering in the hospital, I started reading quite a bit about scale models and looking at pictures of some kits. I decided that when I got home and got my office space cleaned, organized, and put together, I was going to have a space to pick up an old hobby of mine as a means to keep myself busy.

Here is a picture of the space: as you can see, there are two other models waiting in the wings that I found while cleaning out my office! Here’s a picture of the paint job on the body and the interior currently being put together. As you can see, we took some liberty with the paint, but it should still look cool when it’s finished.

I’ll update this post as I progress through the build!

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